Policing those who can't seem to police themselves.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where's Mine?

Anyone who has ever changed jobs or lost a job can tell you about the sticker shock that comes at the idea of paying for health care through COBRA even if it’s just for one month before your new employer’s plan begins.

Anyone, that is, except freshman Republican congressman Andy Harris from Maryland.

Politico reports that Harris was apparently shocked to learn that his government insurance wouldn’t kick in for one month after he takes office. He then asked if he could purchase coverage from the government for that month…which is suspiciously like the public option he’s vowing to repeal.

His spokesperson says he wasn’t being hypocritical. He was, “just pointing out the inefficiency of government-run health care.”

But as an anesthesiologist, he should be aware that this isn’t just government-run health care. This is MOST health care. This is the health care that working men and women have every day. If their job even offers health insurance, it doesn’t start right away. It limits where you can get your care and what treatment options are available. Sick children and others who need long-term care often hit the cap of what the insurance companies will pay.

I hope Maryland is happy with their choice of a congressman who seems completely out-of-touch with the reality most of the state faces.

I’m sure he and his family will survive this one-month gap just fine until they end up with that government-run health care he hates and the rest of us envy.

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