Policing those who can't seem to police themselves.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We need a hero

I think President Obama has been given a rough deal. He’s been dealing with an economic meltdown, a never-ending war and the BP spill.

I’m sympathetic, but only to a point.

You’re the President of the United States, dude. It’s not all pomp and circumstance.

That said, I think he has tried to do a good job, and I’m mostly supportive of what he’s done. But he’s really losing me on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

78% of Americans favor ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

Soldiers favor it. So do most of the top brass.

Admitedly, the Marine Corps Commandant has come out against changing it while we’re at war.

I think that’s why we need to change it.

First of all, the war on terror is not a typical war. It’s more like the war on drugs. It’s a concept. There will always be new skirmishes, new fields of battle. Some gay soldiers are our most skilled. Why would we toss them out when we need them most? Asking them to lie to their colleagues and commanding officers is offensive and certainly a bad precedent.

Any solider who can’t follow orders and treat their fellow soldiers with respect are the ones who should go.

That said, I think the military will handle this just fine. It’s the President who concerns me.

I get it, it’s better to change policies through Congress than the courts.

But that doesn’t seem to be an option.

However, there is a very good option available to Obama. A chance to do the right thing AND be presidential.

As Commander-in-Chief, he can order the military to suspend the practice until Congress is ready to make it official.

We need a leader, President Obama. This is your chance to show that you are one.

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