Policing those who can't seem to police themselves.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Don't say you're Canadian if you're not

Don't get me wrong. I love Canada.

I'm up for some hockey, Tim Horton's or Barenaked Ladies any day of the week. I can name the Canadian prime minister, discuss the lead story in the Toronto Star, and I even tune in to CBC radio occasionally to listen to Q. I like that Jian Ghomeshi.

What I don't like are seeing Americans with those little Canadian flag pins on their backpacks.

Someone explained to me once that they say they are Canadian because people have negative stereotypes of Americans. While the general Canadian stereotype seems to be that Canadians are all nice people.

Don't you think that's because people in foreign lands are having friendly chats with super-nice "Canadians" every day? They talk to Americans with their little maple leaf pins and walk away, thinking, "Wow. Another nice Canadian."

The only way to change the stereotype of the Ugly American is to be a Nice American.

If you disagree with something our government is doing, then tell people that. If you agree, explain why in a reasonable manner. Listen to their side. Try to speak their language - literally and figuratively.

But, if nothing else, take off that damn pin.

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