Policing those who can't seem to police themselves.

Monday, November 15, 2010

And now, a word from Kanye West

If there was one thing that Team GW was good at during his presidency, it was controlling the discussion.

For example, if the media is getting a little too nosy about the absence of WMDs, you can simply throw them an attractive CIA agent and they’ll be nipping at her heels instead of yours.

As our former president made his media rounds this week, it was incredibly clear is that he can still control the discussion. Bush calmly fielded questions on those WMDs, the mission accomplished banner, the economic meltdown, nation-building in Iraq and Hurricane Katrina.

But what was the headline?

How much George Bush was hurt by Kanye West calling him a racist.

His two terms were marked by thousands of Americans dying in New York, New Orleans and Afghanistan, but the “worst moment” of his presidency was being called a racist by a rap star.

Instead of calling him out on this obvious overstatement, NBC was clearly over the moon at this chance for “healing” and a ratings bonanza.

First, the apology from Kanye West and then the former president’s reaction. Awesome.

Kanye West, never one to miss a self-destruct opportunity, couldn’t just give a regular interview. While his point was apparently to skip the tv drama in favor of real discussion, Kanye  made this point by creating tv drama so we could all skip the discussion. Now, that’s a mission accomplished.

I don’t want to watch Kanye West apologize to George Bush.

I want to watch Bush apologize to Valerie Plame.

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